Roseway Baptist Church in Shelburne, NS
We thank you for visiting Roseway Baptist Church on the web. Your interest indicates that you have a desire to know more about us. Please take a few moments to look through the pages and see for yourself who and what we are.
We are a church that centers itself on the King James Bible and preaches the good news of the Gospel; we also seek to exalt Jesus Christ in all that we do. We believe our ministry is different from many others today because we have chosen to be a Bible and Christ-centered church rather than a man-centered one. We are a hospital for sinners and not a museum for saints. You will not find perfect people, but saved sinners who are growing in their relationship with Christ. We enjoy our Saviour, His people His churches and serving Christ enthusiastically. We trust If this is the kind of church you are looking for, we would be thrilled to have you visit with us in a church service very soon.